Frequently asked questions

How did you arrive in this place? What led you to follow your passion for this business?

Our goal and purpose for SabertoothPro was to design affordable technology, with value added software features, available to the everyday consumer. Connect as many generations with the power of language. The vision was to develop this company with one simple goal in mind, to make products that transform communication abilities across all spectrum’s. Whether it be business travel, vacation trips, living abroad or learning a new language. Whatever purpose you need technology for that’s where our passion and focus for this business started and remains to this day!

What do you want to change about the world? What future do you want to help create?

As a trusted technology brand, our goal is to change the way people look at the barriers that different languages can pose. Make the power of AI machine learning, as well as facial recognition available to all our customers at an affordable price point. Remove language barriers, and expand your travel and business to greater heights. We believe everyone should be able to create a future and prosperity with our products. That is what we want to provide. the ability of limitless possibilities, changing the future with our affordable technology.

What is most important to you? How does this relate to your customer’s life?

What is most important to all of us here at Sabertooth Tech group, continuing to provide the most affordable software and technology products to expand your world. We try to relate to the customer, or client that needs the performance and features of a premium AI device, but ultimately is trying to achieve that in the most cost effective way possible. They might want to conduct business, travel, or live in a foreign country. We all live in this diverse, multicultural world, our company gives everyone a very powerful ability to enhance your quality of life. Through our smart voice translation, facial recognition, and data security products we make this a reality.

What’s missing in your industry? What do you dislike about your industry?

What’s missing in the AI voice language translation market is software packed with premium features such as, group chat, meeting, broadcast, language tutor. You can of course pay hundreds of dollars to receive extra software and the same talk capabilities as our products. But not at the price point, we offer an unmatched ST translator pro application in both our dual channel Bluetooth version V.5.0 VLT350, and VLT450 AI smart voice language translator models. Some different language translator technology companies charge for data coverage, and other premium features. At SabertoothPro, our devices come with one set price, we will never charge more for added languages, or cloud processing on our companion mobile app for Android and iOS. Supports 44 Real time languages, and 60 Offline text languages. When you purchase our products you get everything we have to offer, no upcharges on added languages to the Pro Translator software interface for the lifetime of your ownership.

What results do your ideal clients get from working with you or buying your product? How will their life improve?

The ideal client at Sabertooth Tech Group?, is simply any consumer who needs our technology. We are here before and after the sale.. we work with current as well as past customers. The results our clients get are accurate face to face translation, giving them the ability to communicate in Real time with people they meet traveling. A direct talk mode allowing customers communication in Real time with another person anywhere in the world. Group chat in Real time with a group of people, each in their own language, Meeting mode is communication in Real time in a private meeting setting with anyone. As well as Broadcast ability to speak to a group of users each in their own language. One final feature is the Language tutor, practice and learn languages using the smart voice language translator. If your goal is to conduct business overseas, are in sales, or just want to feel comfortable and confident while traveling personally, our technology can greatly enhance your life.

What does their life look like if you don’t help them? What will they miss out on? What will they have to settle for? What does it cost them NOT to hire/buy/work with you?

All of our staff at SabertoothPro try to understand our customer, and their unique needs.. What does their life look like if we don’t help them? That is a difficult question to answer, but to answer it as best we can.. not having all the advantages of our voice language communication, facial recognition, or data security can limit a person’s ability to conduct business safely and securely, or personally communicate in whatever situation, anywhere in the world.

Our technology empowers people in any social setting, allowing them to express themselves with no limitations. The products we design can make a tremendous difference in empowering anyone, anywhere to chase their dreams. If we don’t help them thru our technology, they will miss out on the social interactions that the power of language can have.. creating trust, confidence and security for anyone.

We want our customer to never settle for not having every tool to create a better life, and by not utilizing the affordability of our AI technology it can be counterproductive. Whether you work with us or buy our products, and your goal is to learn a language for the first time, create business relationships around the world, living overseas and wanting to understand and communicate with your friends and neighbors. We give you the affordability to own technology for a fraction of the cost that can give you a better, more exciting and rewarding life experience. Technology to expand your world!

Why are your customers/clients lucky to work with you? How do you deliver in a unique way?

We like to think we are very lucky to work with our customers and clients, but also, the clients and customers that we work with are extremely lucky to work with us. The passion for what we do, and the commitment of our company to go the extra mile to help our customers have the best buying experience is what drives our company. We stand behind our products 110% everyday, all the time. That’s how you build a brand internationally that people all over the world can identify with.. SabertoothPro is committed to adapting to the latest technology trends and delivering in a unique way. Structure our business model to capture opportunities constantly being enabled by AI machine learning, and facial recognition technology. Our app Is always learning and connects to our servers, giving our clients superior performance.

How will your work affect the children and grandchildren of the people you work with? What is the ripple effect of your work?

As emerging algorithm-driven artificial intelligence (AI) continues to spread, will people be better off than they are today? AI will amplify human effectiveness but also threaten human autonomy, agency and capabilities. The ripple effect of our work within this industry is to enhance visual acuity, speech,pattern recognition and voice language translation. Offering opportunities for individuals to enjoy a more-customized future. We believe that by advancing AI and Facial recognition related technology products we will empower human capacities. Thus making the next generation hopefully better off than they are today.

What current conditions increase the demand for your brand? (Right now, this year) For example - Economy, Politics, Climate, Regulations/Laws, Industry changes.

The demand for our brand has never been greater, we currently have an international footprint all over the world for our products. America has been known to be one of the most multicultural geographical locations, the language diversity has never been greater than it is today. SabertoothPro products are affordable for any economic condition, we will always deliver the greatest value in any market situation. Our products are currently used by a wide demographic. consumers, students, lawyers, teachers, doctors, industry leaders, etc.. The company is constantly expanding into different geographical markets.

What’s changing with people as a whole that influences the success of your brand?

For example - Attitudes toward your industry, trends, technology

There is a constant yearning for new technologies, and our products cater to those needs, people are using technology more today than ever before. The importance translation is often overlooked. Despite our great prowess in communication, misunderstandings and mistranslations are commonplace. It is arrogant to believe that one can travel the world and expect all of mankind to understand his or her native tongue. These are the situations that have driven our brand of products in the past as well as the present. We make an exceptional voice translator, and in order to travel the world, whether for business or pleasure, a desire and willingness to adapt to new cultures and methods to achieve that is necessary. Attitudes toward the AI voice language translation industry are adaptable, including the ability to communicate with new people in various dialects. Being unable to communicate in a country is akin to living with a serious impairment, our products create that bridge to communicate in multiple languages. The trends are towards an increasingly integrated global business community, language communication, directly with new clients and companies in their native language is one of the first steps to founding a lasting, stable international business relationship. Our AI machine learning software technology is researched and developed constantly to stay ahead of smart learning trends, and keep Sabertooth products in high demand.

What’s trending or popular in your industry? Should you incorporate it into your offer?

We here at use our translation industry expertise and business trends that we’ve seen over the course of the past year to map out what’s likely to trend in the year ahead, we flagged Machine learning, AI technological advancement. Facial recognition has been a big driver for our company in 2020, and we will continue R&D into this product field. Data security technology is also where we are trending our focus for new products. As well making the continued advances with voice recognition, smart technology. We will continue to offer our valued customers the most high tech products, with incredible value added for customer loyalty. Technology to expand your World!